Joe Biden’s Two Errant Children

James Rozoff
5 min readSep 6, 2024

Buying your 14 year old son a rifle may not be the best idea, especially if your son has already been investigated for threatening to go on a shooting rampage. There are two primary obligations a father has to his son. The first is to provide the necessities for his child. The second is to raise him in such a manner that he will not merely be able to take care of himself but to be a good person. Some dads are deadbeats from the get go, while other dads fail because they are never able to say no to their sons.

I knew a guy like that. He had two sons who he never said no to. Anything they wanted, he gave them. And anytime they got into trouble, he bailed them out. It helped that he was a very influential man.

The first son was a bit of a flunky, but his dad gave him all the advantages in the world. The kid joined the Navy Reserves and got kicked out on his very first day after testing positive for cocaine. Then he spent the next year drinking excessively and rarely left the house except to buy vodka. After a couple of years of that, his wife divorced him, accusing him of spending extravagantly on drugs and alcohol, and prostitutes and strip clubs, all while financially abandoning his family. In 2019 a paternity suit determined that he fathered a child with an exotic dancer. At some point before his divorce was finalized, he entered into a relationship with his brother’s widow.

But daddy was there to help him get back on his feet. Although junior had little more than boozing, snorting and whoring to put on…

