What Russia Did Is Terrible (If It Was True), But It Would Be Okay If We Did It
Three years ago we were told that Russia was paying bounties to Taliban fighters to kill U.S. soldiers. The media lost their minds about it, just like they lost their minds about every propaganda item anonymous intelligence agents spoon-fed them for the last four years about Russia. Because that’s what U.S. media does nowadays: they don’t investigate stories, they simply pass on to the populace what they are told. The populace, at least those who voted for Hillary, freaked out and again demanded to know why Trump was doing nothing about it. And it being an election year, Democrats used this as a campaign issue. Biden, for one. said: “Not only has he (Trump) failed to sanction or impose any kind of consequences on Russia for this egregious violation of international law, Donald Trump has continued his embarrassing campaign of deference and debasing himself before Vladimir Putin.”
The story was bull sh*t, by the way, just like the other “bombshell” stories that proved beyond a doubt that Trump was working with Russia and Putin was engaged in Goldmember level shenanigans. Even Biden, once safely ensconced in the White House, admitted as much, though you’re about a billion times more likely to hear the initial megaphoned accusations than the whispered corrections. That’s how it has to be done if you want to engage your country in a proxy war with a nuclear-armed country. It’s not an easy sell.
Anyone capable of applying a lick of common sense knew it was a stupid story. Once/If we get past the imminent risk of nuclear annihilation, a lot of us are going to have a good laugh at this and some of the other nonsensical Gulf Of Tonkin type whoppers that helped Rachel Maddow for a time get more viewers than Fox News. The idea that Russia would offer bounties to people who are already doing whatever they can to kill U.S. soldiers is like offering Lauren Boebert money to say something stupid. If Russia wanted the Taliban to kill U.S. soldiers, it would have provided them with weapons, training, and intelligence. Duh.
Which makes me wonder how Russians view the $100+ billion in assistance the U.S. is sending to Ukraine now. Or the $5 billion the U.S. provided before Victoria Nuland was caught on microphone in 2014, telling her colleague who they were choosing as the next leader of Ukraine. Or the further billions provided in the interim. I know it’s not the same thing, not the same thing at all, but I wonder if there is any outrage in Moscow at the U.S. providing training to the Azov battalion. I know the U.S. is just providing intelligence to Ukrainian people to help them, not to weaken Russia, but you know how Russian propagandists are going to spin this. They might even go so far as to accuse Zelensky of working with the Americans. But we shouldn’t be alarmed by this, because the Russians are way more sensible than us. They wouldn’t do anything stupid, right? Right?
I know many will say it’s inappropriate to ask such questions about such matters. After all, no one in the media is asking questions, what gives me the right? Putting aside my timidness for a minute, let me say I have a right as a human being living on Earth to question those who are playing dangerous and foolish games that are putting that planet at serious risk. Fuck, when I put it that way, I don’t question why I’m willing to challenge official narratives but wonder why others aren’t. What the hell’s wrong with you?