Member-only story
The Only Options The System Gives You Are Options That Serve The System
We have the world’s most sophisticated P.R. firms and marketing agencies but they’ve got nothing but garbage to sell. Whether it is genetically modified junk food or corporate politicians, every time one of their marketing campaigns fail, rather than asking themselves if the product was no good, they ask what can be done about the messaging. So they change the term genetically modified to bioengineered, and they co-opt the labels of people who are looking to change the actual product, calling themselves progressive or socialist once they have discredited the term “liberal”.
And they can sort of get away with it because they’ve driven all alternatives to the margins. It’s hard for most people to find organic foods and harder still for them to afford them. Real food, real natural food, is looked upon by the masses as elitist, when it is the very stuff the poorest peasants have always eaten. Honest politicians with a platform the majority of people support are viewed as something only privileged people have the luxury of voting for. Think about it, we are being told time and again that we cannot afford a decent politician or a natural loaf of bread.
We’re asked to believe we have meaningful choices when they give us the option of two corporate candidates, and they make believe that corporate capitalism provides us with the greatest amount of choices by offering us Coke OR Pepsi. And when we push them hard enough, they offer us water in plastic bottles when what we…