The Conspiracy Of Silence Regarding Jeffrey Epstein

James Rozoff
3 min readOct 9, 2021

You know what MSNBC and FOXNews have in common? Neither one of them has done any sort of investigation into the unlikely suicide of Jeffrey Epstein. Kind of weird, right? I mean with his ties to prominent Democrats AND Republicans and all. If you believe the other side is engaged in unhinged conspiracy theories all the time it’s kind of shocking that Raychel Maddow and Sean Hannity are ignoring it. I’m guessing it would draw huge ratings. And it’s a very suspicious and unlikely official story. At the bare minimum you think they’d be trying to find out who else was involved with him. And yet neither side will touch it.

Why, it almost seems that they’re willing to forego sensationalistic journalism that gets huge ratings for some higher interest. And what, pray tell, is of greater interest to corporate media than ratings and the profit they mean?

What we are seeing is a conspiracy of silence. What we are seeing is both sides protecting the powerful who were involved in unspeakable crimes against children.

This isn’t in question, is it? I mean, Bill Clinton flew the Lolita Express dozens of times. How is it possible he could be innocent in all of this? And Prince Andrew seems very guilty from all accounts. Do we just let him go because he’s a part of a very wealthy and influential family? That doesn’t seem to be the sort of thing serious publications like The Washington Post would do. I mean, their motto is “Democracy dies in darkness.” Surely they’d should be shining a little light on an unlikely death that spared powerful people disgrace and prison terms.

How do you explain it? How do you say that the most prominent prisoner on this planet was permitted to kill himself in jail while those who were supposed to prevent that from happening were AWOL and the cameras (plural) that were supposed to be monitoring him both misfunctioned? How is this not a scandal?

It is not a scandal because the mainstream media — all of it, regardless of alleged political bent — did not turn it into one. And they alone have the power to turn a story into a scandal. They can even turn something that’s not a scandal into a scandal, like Russiagate, WMD’s in Iraq and chemical weapons in Syria. Or the sinking of the Maine. The media is that powerful.

And it is also that unified. At least, in regards to everything that matters to their owners. They may argue mindlessly and endlessly over some issues, but they are issues both sides agree to argue over. They might not be telling you what to think, but they are always telling you what to think about. And what they are not telling you to think about is Jeffrey Epstein and the conspiracy of silence that surrounds him. It is glaringly obvious and unarguable. If you care to offer a counter-argument, I’d be willing to hear you out.

If a conspiracy involving trafficking girls under the age of consent to some of the world’s most powerful people is not permitted to be spoken of in mainstream media, you have to start asking what else is not permitted to be discussed. You have to start wondering how trustworthy are the sources you have entrusted to keep you informed. And you have to begin to realize just how fundamentally corrupt are the media whose job it is to give to you the information you need to participate in a democratic society.

But more than anything, you have to start to realize that what they have you thinking about is not what you should be thinking about but merely a distraction to prevent you from concentrating on what is most relevant to your life. Once you start to realize that everything you have been focusing your attention on your entire adult life, those things that make you unspeakably angry and depressed, are there to distract you from more important issues, you will realize that the media is not and has never been your friend.



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