The Change Must Come, Either Through Planning Or Through Chaos

James Rozoff
5 min readSep 5, 2024
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I have a suspicion that the majority of people hate and fear the society we’ve created and feel the necessity for it to fundamentally change. There is likely also a comparable majority of people who are terrified by such a change, knowing how much will be lost in the transition from the old to the new. And so they actively seek to suppress it. The more comfortable a person is in the existing society, the more likely they will feel that way.

But their solution to stopping change from upsetting the status quo is to cork it, to plug up the openings through which change can flow. Which will surely, eventually, result in an explosion more damaging than permitting change to run its course. Those who seek to maintain an untenable status quo are guaranteeing their worst possible fears will in time come true. The change will be destructive, when it could have been constructive. The change will be violent, when it could have been peaceful. The change will be chaotic, like the bursting of a dam, when it could have come about as the result of careful but bold planning.

Some of you astute readers may have noticed a seeming mistake in the first paragraph. I mentioned two groups, each a majority, which does not seem logical. Of course such a contradiction can be possible, just take a look at the Democratic Party. Democrats are…

