Something Still To Fight For

James Rozoff
2 min readNov 20, 2022

James Rozoff

When the battle becomes dire, when things begin to appear hopeless, the troops will begin to abandon the battlefield. At that time, when the flag of the Democrats or Republicans are raised, no one will rally to them, for no one will have any real faith in them. We must be busy weaving new flags, symbols of values and virtues that inspire and unite. We must raise from the common soldiery leaders of integrity and courage who have not been corrupted by the soulless institutions that now rule over us, so that when the battle goes ill we have a flag which people will be willing to defend, with their lives if necessary. I see those leaders emerging, those fearlessly standing against the onslaught of propaganda to speak truth like a clarion call in the noisy chaos of battle. When the moment comes, those with courage, vision and integrity will stand out from the so-called leaders who spoke so confidently but had no answers and no truth in them. The difference will be like night and day and the common soldiers whose task it is to be on the front lines will realize there is still something to fight for. For their family, which is larger than they ever imagined, for it consists of all humanity. For home and country, which is larger than they ever imagined, for it is the entire Earth. For humankind, which they will suddenly realize, is more than the base, craven, and selfish creature their leaders and oppressors had made them believe themselves to be.



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