Russia Is Using Our Divisions To Divide Us
Russia is using our divisions to divide us. It’s true and it’s undeniable. Don’t argue the point, that’s what Russia wants. They want to divide us and we must unite in order to defend democracy from an attack every bit as great as Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Remember when Japan surprise-attacked our Pacific fleet and more or less wiped it out? It’s no different than that.
It is understandable that you might be confused as to how Facebook posts are comparable to the bombing of a naval fleet. If you are feeling doubt creep into your mind, it is most likely the result of something you have seen on Facebook. The fact that you are even questioning the equivalency is proof of how nefarious the Russian attack was/is. If you are not feeling better within a few days, you are advised to contact the Atlantic Council in order to make sure you are following the proper talking points, untainted by outside influences. In the meantime, here are a few things to get straight:
Russia is playing upon the outrage of African Americans who see unarmed blacks being shot to death by the police who get away with it. And they’re using Pokémon Go to do it!
They’re playing upon our distrust of a media that lies us into wars in the interest of the Military Industrial Complex. Don’t fall for the Russian fomentation.
They’ve made us appear less of a moral authority in the eyes of the world. Once the world looked to us for leadership, now Russia is making people the world over question whether open-air slave markets in Libya are not snapshots of democracy in action.
Especially devious is the way Russia is attempting to distract from their interference by making you doubt establishment media. They are trying, through devious and undetectable means, to get us to believe that it was not their $46,000 worth of Facebook ads but the $5,000,000,000 worth of free air time given him by the U.S. media that got Donald Trump elected.
Now it might seem odd that a leader (Vladimir Putin) who seems moderately intelligent would risk the wrath of a nation that’s been looking to push its agenda and its military alliance closer and closer toward his own. It might seem that angering a nation that outspends you on military 10 to 1 with weak and silly provocations is illogical. But that’s just the sort of twisted and evil thought processes that work inside the minds of foreign despots. It can be seen in Syria, where President dictator Bashar al-Assad inexplicably used chemical weapons just when President Trump signaled his intent to leave him alone, and again when he was on the cusp of defeating the terrorists rebels. It was on display when Saddam Hussein refused to admit to having weapons of mass destruction despite the overwhelming evidence supplied by the mainstream media and our intelligence agencies who controlshare the information they receive.
Worst of all, Russians are trying to get you to doubt the sacredness and purity of our electoral system. I cannot stress how insane and dangerous this is. To even suggest that our democracy is anything less than the perfect representation of the will of the people is stopping the will of the people from being enacted through our perfect democracy which always gives us the best of all possible results.
On an unrelated note, the Russians are trying to undermine your support of our perfect democracy by suggesting you should expect a candidate that is in alignment with your core beliefs. Don’t be a purist, vote for whatever candidate is chosen for you garners the most super delegates votes.
Now, granted, you are not supposed to have read this deep into the article. It works best when you are inundated with headline after headline that screams interference without ever critically delving into the evidence or lack thereof. But to you who have persevered, this all might seem a little irrational, lacking in substance, and — well — silly. This only goes to show the depth of subterfuge involved. If nothing makes sense to you, if the Democratic Party seems to have no clear strategy to take on Trump, if two years of Democratic resistance has not led to any substantive victories, if Trump has done everything short of lob nuclear missiles in his attempt to prove he has no loyalty to Putin, if Adam Schiff seems to you like a mad dog who’s likely to bite the next passerby, there is an explanation for this: Russia.
It is quite possible that Facebook memes have caused you to question the oracles of the media who deliver the sacred words from the gods of the intelligence agencies and other unseen authorities. The devil will cause you to doubt, but it is precisely at such moments you must cling to your faith in those who always lead you to war truth. But if you have sinned in thought, do not fear. You can still get right with the priests of the media and the unknowable but all-knowing intelligence agencies. When doubt strikes, simply say ten Hail Muellers and crank up the MSNBC. Because faith is required to lead us to Armageddon the promised land.