It’s Hard To Be Threatened When The Alternative Is A Dead Planet

James Rozoff
4 min readSep 3, 2024
Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash

I know I should be more afraid of the military/money/media machine, but I’m not. Something deep within me says it is too ugly, too ludicrous, too inhuman to endure. Even if people are incapable of rejecting it on an intellectual, conscious, level, they will nonetheless reject it emotionally and physically. Their minds will break down until they are no longer able to serve the machine. Their bodies will rebel against the unnaturalness of it all. Humanity’s desire for freedom and communion with the natural world and with each other will in the end be greater than its fear.

I have no way of knowing if this is true in others, but I know it to be true in myself: I cannot accept the media’s insistence on hatred, greed and lies. I never could accept it on a rational level, and I have at last come to the point where the doubt inspired by fear will no longer silence me. I have reached the point where the threat of violence to myself and those I love is not as frightening as the destruction of the entire planet through nuclear war or environmental destruction. They can no longer threaten a man who has nothing left to lose but a few more years on a doomed planet. Because that is all they have to offer, other than a few flashy trinkets and electronic gadgets. They cannot offer me clean shores and fresh air. They can only offer despair.

