It’s A Good Thing We Vote For Democrats (A Very Good Thing)
Who, if their house was on fire, would mention it only in passing if at all, preferring instead to obsess about far less important matters? Surely a lunatic only, someone divorced from reality, living more in their own mind than with the facts.
And what sane person seeing a group of lunatics obsessing about other matters while the house in which they are in is burning to the ground, would give the words they spoke the least amount of credence simply because they were in the majority?
Yet everyday I witness it, those who express concern about climate change talking about and acting on matters of far less importance. Indeed, OBSESSING about matters of less importance. Sometimes they are even consumed by imagined matters, such as when the media or the politicians are convinced that Russians are paying bounties to Taliban fighters (as if they’d need incentive), using hi-tech weapons to harm U.S. diplomats (aka Havana Syndrome), or inventing the Hunter Biden laptop story.
There is a difference between wrong and insane. All my life I’ve believed Republicans were wrong. I still do. Some Republicans well-meaningly embrace a wrong ideology. Others are simply bad people or even evil. But never once did I consider them insane. Easily led, yes. Self-serving, yes. Indifferent to the suffering of others, yes. Hypocritical and stuck in their own bubbles, yes and yes.
But when I look at AOC pretending to be handcuffed, when I look at her saying she’s getting her nails done as a sign of resistance, when I see Rachel Maddow weave elaborate conspiracy theories with no apologies when they fall apart, I can think of no better examples of insanity.
It’s like watching children playacting, expecting everyone else to go along with what they’re saying. Except, unlike with children, there is no rousing them from their imaginary world. And these children have the immense power of the media to project their attitudes to the rest of us.
There is a Twilight Zone episode where a young child has such extreme mental powers that he forces everyone around him to play along with whatever game he wants to play. If they don’t play along, if they don’t do what he wants, he banishes them into the “cornfield”, which is like some trans-dimensional void. Everyone in the town is forced to accept whatever reality he dictates.
It’s like that. Except the people don’t obey out of fear, they honestly believe whatever the kid is telling them. When they say “It’s good that you sent Dan out into the cornfield” or “It’s good that you’re provoking a third world war”, they really mean it. And like Billy Mumy’s character in The Twilight Zone, Democrats and their media spokespersons can say one thing one day and the opposite the next and they’re both agreed to be true. And if anyone points out the contradiction, the believers will demand that person be sent into the cornfield, or at least banned from social media.
They watch as Joe Biden says: “America’s a nation that can be defined in a single word: Awdsmfafoothimaaafootafootwhscuseme” and act like nothing’s unusual. They watch as Kamala Harris cackles apropos of nothing instead of giving an answer to a question she is asked, and it suffices for them. They believe that this is what feminism is supposed to look like, supporting a woman who is an embarrassment to women.
In an instant, those belonging to the Democratic cult will drop any professed concern they have for climate change in order to provide justification and funds to the U.S. war machine, one of the biggest contributors to global warming. They have stickers on their cars that say “coexist”, but they can only imagine a coexistence based on U.S. dominance over the entire planet.
When I was younger, they often used the phrase Mutually Assured Destruction to describe the idea that if two countries had nuclear weapons, it would be foolish for those two countries to go to war with each other, and that the only real solution to problems between two such nations was to negotiate and create workable treaties in order to avoid escalating tensions. We have thrown the concept of MAD out the window and are now glibly flirting with the chance of nuclear war with not one but two countries. What could be more insane than this?
We are living the delusion of someone who has a child’s mind and unnatural power, a power strong enough to warp reality itself. For a time. But nature will soon reset itself over this unnatural warpage, and when it does it will do so quite violently. Natural selection is not kind to those who believe they can create their own reality. Sadly, the rest of humanity and all of God’s creation will share whatever fate is chosen for us by lunatics. Unless enough of us are able to find sanity within ourselves and project it outward.