If You Think About It, You Hate Corporations

James Rozoff
4 min readAug 29, 2021

If you think about it for a bit, you’ll realize you don’t like corporations. And if you doubt that, keep in mind that corporations work on the presumption that you don’t like them. They know it even if you don’t. You can see this in the way they try to make you think of them as something other than what they are. Corporations never show images of their board members or corporate leaders living it up on their yachts or private islands. In fact, they never draw attention to them at all. Instead, they focus on this false image of their workers, who they pretend are important to them. They’re not. They pretend their cookies are made by elves in trees rather than show you where they’re really made, which is factories staffed by low-wage workers on assembly lines.

At every opportunity, advertising seeks to hide from you the reality of what corporations do behind public relations campaigns, slick advertisement, paid-for product placement in the art and entertainment you consume, and outright deception. Why? Because if they were honest with you you’d hate them and wouldn’t put up with them.

Think of all those mass-produced pies wrapped with images of grandmas baking. Think of all the Italian chefs they want you to think are making your spaghetti sauce. Think of all the images of happy cows on sun-drenched meadows on your dairy products instead of factory farms. An image of Bob Evans obscures the industrial slaughter houses where animals who never had a chance to live go to die. You would never buy from them if they wore their true face.

They lie to you, they outright lie to you so that you will tolerate them. Sometimes subtly and sometimes boldly but they never hesitate to lie to you because they have absolutely no respect for you.

If you work for one, they’ll try and sell you the line that you’re a part of a “team”. Or even worse, a “family”. Slave owners used the same sales pitch but everyone knew who held the power. You’re part of a top-down structure and the odds of you rising to the top compared to a slave’s is the difference between you winning the lottery with today’s ticket and one from last week. One in hundreds of millions. You’re part of a family? What family downsizes members when times get tough?

Corporations talk about corporate values. Their one true value is profit for those with a vested interest in the corporation. Everything else is marketing. Everything. EVERYTHING. They’ll sport a pride flag as soon as that’s cool but they’ll fly a Nazi flag if the winds of change blow that way. They mouth platitudes about being “green” as they sell you water packed in plastic and shipped cross-country. Their only value is increasing profit.

Do you hate corporations yet? If not, why not? Because they’ve been good to you for a while? Evil is often good to you so that you place your trust in it and allow it to take control over your life. Once it has that power, and corporations most definitely do nowadays, it doesn’t need to be good to you at all. Why would they? Being good to you was ALWAYS a means to an end, and that end has already been achieved. Be prepared to live in a world where complete control has been assumed by corporations. It won’t be pretty.

Hate corporations yet? If not, it’s only because they have complete control of the media. You’re drowning in a corporate narrative more all-encompassing than any that has existed before. It is more omnipresent than the Catholic Church was pre-Reformation. It has a greater ability to convince the masses than Egyptian pharaohs, who once were able to make those who slaved for them believe that they were gods. Because while every other culture at least had a tie to a natural world, corporations have been able to step between nature and children so that the average child is more able to identify corporate logos than plants native to their region. The average child when asked to name a food is more likely to name a diabetes-causing product than a fruit or a vegetable. Because corporations have managed to step between us and nature, which is to say that they have stepped between us and reality.

Hate corporations yet?



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