If You Can’t Find A Way To Laugh At The Failures Of The Democratic Party, It will Drive You Mad

James Rozoff
5 min readJul 22, 2024
Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

If you were to ask a Democrat to compare the present to another historical moment, they would most likely say 1933 Germany (Hitler’s assent to power). Me? I can’t help comparing it to 1944 Germany. Democrats are afraid Trump will come to power (again) and turn our country into a dictatorship. I think we’re an overextended empire that is being rolled back by Russia. We’re being beaten on all fronts, really, but the (proxy) war we are fighting against Russia is where the most killing and dying is taking place.

Trump supporters have their share of delusions of grandeur as well, no doubt. But while Democrats can see them plainly enough, they are incapable of laughing at them. They spit scorn at MAGA, but there is no joy to be had in it. Democrats are frightened, terrified. And like a terrified child they cling to its emotional support surrogate: Mommy, or whatever can best approximate that. In this case, they cling to those institutions that, in desperation, they insist on believing are there to preserve our liberties. You know, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, whatever spooks that are willing to pretend to be a caring figure to a lost herd of sheep desperately bleating for a shepherd.

MAGA, on the other hand, are able to watch the Democrats scrambling around and…



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