Democrats Are Losers
Muhammad Ali experienced an eye injury in his first fight for the heavyweight championship. Whether it was caused legitimately or if someone in Sonny Liston’s corner put some substance on their fighter’s glove, Ali was unable to see while in the ring against one of the most dangerous human beings on the planet. The urge to panic was there, but Ali didn’t quit, because he wasn’t a loser.
There is no shame in not being a world champion fighter: very few of us have what it takes to do what is required to achieve victory at all costs. No shame to those who always seem to come up short in the big fights even if they had all the ability but just lacked the heart. But don’t expect me to put my money on a tomato, and don’t ask me to invest my emotional energies or even my time on an obvious loser. The media can build up the fight all they want, I know the loser’s going to fold in the clutch. I’d be a chump not to.
Democrats are losers. A loser is more interested in surviving than winning. A loser, when push comes to shove, will find ways to clinch when in close rather than risking throwing leather at the opponent. A loser makes unspoken agreements with the opponent rather than putting everything they have into the fight. A loser might think they want to be a winner, but when it comes time to put it all on the line, they realize they’re not willing to pay the cost.
A loser can talk a good fight, a loser can often fight a good round or two, a loser can even win the occasional fight against someone you might have thought was a winner but was really just an even bigger loser. But a loser will eventually be exposed under the bright lights, because there is nowhere to hide in the squared circle. A fighter’s character will be revealed when facing a determined fighter.
Like any would-be fighter, a Democrat will always find excuses for when they lose. They’ll blame it on the ref or the Parliamentarian. And like any loser, they’ll tell people the next time will be different. But it never is. A loser will find ways to sabotage themself, perhaps by not showing up to training camp in good condition or perhaps by creating drama in camp. A loser’s behavior may not even make sense until you realize there is something deep inside of them that is afraid of losing, is afraid of putting their whole heart and soul into the fight. A fighter may look fearsome on the outside, but it’s impossible to see that weakness on the inside until they’re put to the test.
A good trainer can see if a fighter has the inner drive or not. They wisely refuse to waste their time on working with a prospect who lacks that inner strength, knowing that they just don’t have what it takes. There’s nothing worse than putting your whole heart and soul into helping someone who’s not willing to do what it takes to help themself.
Abortion rights is the signature issue for the Democratic Party, it is one of the few things left that differentiates them from the Republican Party. 80% of Democrats support the right of women to have an abortion, nearly 2/3 of all Americans do. This should have been the fight they’ve prepared for with all their hearts and souls, and yet they’ve just been dealt a body blow in the one area they should have been protecting. What more evidence do you need that the Democrats aren’t capable of winning? Are you going to believe that they’re going to win next time after you’ve just witnessed them crumple to the canvas when they had it in their power to beat their opponent into submission?
If you’re a fighter — a real fighter — the Democratic Party is not the place for you. If you’re a real fighter willing to do whatever it takes to win, sooner or later you’ll come up against the party itself, and then you won’t be a Democrat anymore. Because the Democratic Party is a fight fixer. It’ll tell you to take a dive in the 10th round because they have a lot of money on the outcome. They’ll promise you if you prove your loyalty that they’ll work to make you a winner in the future. But in truth, you’re just another sap to be used and discarded by those who don’t know the first thing about what it takes to win in the ring, but know everything about working a crooked deal.
They don’t care about you, and they don’t care about winning. Forgive me if I don’t buy a ringside seat for the next big match, I already know the fix is in.