A Standing Ovation For A Genocidal Teletubby
A couple of things happened last week that were extremely revealing. And since the media in general does a piss poor job of explaining what’s going on in the world, I decided to take a few minutes to explain them. And since there’s a certain word to describe the people who sent other people to the gas chambers 80 years ago that triggers internet censoring algorithms, I’m going to use the term Teletubbies in its place. Hopefully you’ll understand what I’m referring to.
Last week, during a visit from Ukraine’s president to the Canadian Parliament, a real, live Teletubby was honored. Not just a neo-Teletubby, but one of the originals, the kind that killed without compunction anyone they deemed ethnically inferior. Jews, Gypsies, Russians, Poles, anyone they viewed as impure or of lesser stock, they felt it their duty to exterminate like roaches. That kind of Teletubby.
Every man and woman (and possibly others falling into neither category) in the Canadian Parliament stood up and applauded for this old Teletubby. Some of them were Jews, and yet they stood up and clapped for the Teletubby who more than likely was involved in bayonetting a child or old woman, some perfect innocent, to death. And if he personally was not directly responsible for such actions, he proudly wore the uniform of those who did. This man was a monster. If you cannot call him a monster, the word applies to no human being.
And yet they all stood and applauded as if he were a rock star or the Pope. The excuse afterwards used by seemingly one and all of them was that they did not know. They applauded him because he was fighting against The Soviet Union, and apparently not a one of them knew that the only people fighting AGAINST The Soviet Union were fighting WITH Teletubby Germany. All they knew was that he was killing Russians and killing Russians is a good thing, right?
In their defense, a concerted effort has been made to rewrite history so that the tremendous losses and sacrifices of the Soviets — most of them Russian — are never mentioned. Politicians are not the geniuses the pretend to be, so perhaps they are legitimately stupid enough not to know that the Ukrainian Teletubbies were considered extreme even by the German ones. Day by day speeches are written that might lead the ignorant to believe that The U.S. and its allies fought against the Soviet Union in World War II, that the great victories and the great losses of the Soviet people never happened, that Auschwitz was liberated by the West, and that Russians were somehow responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you expect more from politicians, you are misguided by the roles they play in order to get themselves elected.
Hannah Arendt was a Jew who fled Teletubby Germany and returned to cover the trials of Teletubbies after the war. She coined the term “the banality of evil” to explain many of those responsible for the crimes of Teletubby Germany. Describing one Teletubby in particular, Adolph Eichmann, she said: “He was not inherently evil, but merely shallow and clueless, a ‘joiner’.” The members of the Canadian Parliament were likely not evil in the ways we might think of as evil, merely shallow and clueless joiners.
It’s unfortunate for the Canadian Parliament that being a shallow and clueless joiner is not a sufficient defense for rallying behind Teletubbies. It didn’t excuse Eichmann, who died with a noose around his neck. That is the only fitting response to an unrepentant Teletubby, not a standing ovation by the sons and daughters of those who sacrificed themselves on the field of battle in order to rid the world of Teletubbies. There is still hope that that is how Yanaslov Hunka will pass from this world. There is no statute of limitation on those who commit genocide.
The second incident I found noteworthy was when Russian pranksters called up Sarah Ashton-Cerillo pretending to be former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. Cerillo, though American, was the spokesperson for Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Forces who was recently suspended for saying that all Russian propagandists would be hunted down. Please note that the list of Russian propagandists assembled by Ukraine includes former U.S. congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard and former Pink Floyd founder Roger Waters, among many other non-Russians. Anyone deviating from official Ukrainian narratives is considered a Russian propagandist.
Believing herself to be speaking to an ally (and apparently forgetting that she should be more careful what she says), Cerillo flashed a bright smile when the prankster pretending to be Poroshenko asked her “What do you think of Russian orcs? I think it is because of ‘Mongoloidance’.”
Eager to take the bait, Cerillo responds “The Russians are not European.” As if that should make a difference. “Ultimately they do come from the Mongols.” As if that should matter. But she goes on by explaining that Russians are “People who are wanting to be slaves, people who are wanting to be led, as it was from the days of Genghis Khan.” As if to make it absolutely clear how important race is to her mission in Ukraine — as well as to those who mentored her while she was there — she says “Europe ends at Ukraine. We are protecting European values the same way those who did hundreds and hundreds of years ago.”
Nothing there about protecting democracy, was there? Such language seems to come directly from Mein Kampf. Few Teletubbies have expressed their ideology so frankly and so accurately.
The Canadian Parliament can use ignorance as an excuse for applauding Yanaslov Hunka. U.S. politicians can feign ignorance over what kind of ideology motivates people in power in Ukraine. But there is one person who cannot use ignorance as an excuse. One person who as both a Jew and a Ukrainian should neither cheer on Hunka nor hire Cerillo to be a spokesperson. Volodymyr Zelensky ought to be asked about these poor decisions. If only there was someone in the media or Western government that was permitted to ask such questions. There is no such person, at least none that are not already on a Ukrainian hit list entitled “Russian Propagandists”.
P.S. The use of the word “Teletubbies” is both ridiculous and necessary. Such is the world we’re living in that we cannot speak plainly but must work our way around censoring software.