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A Christmas Stocking Stuffed With Random Thoughts For Your Edification
Enjoy them all now or savor one and leave the rest for later:
If the flag you raise is one of defeatism and negativity, only a morbid few will rally to it, and they will never accomplish anything.
It is society that gets to decide who is the blasphemer and who is the prophet. But it doesn’t matter, because they stone them both.
A library is a sacred place where the voices of the ancients can still be heard if we but give them the required silence.
A prophet is merely someone who rises beyond the warring factions of his day and proclaims a pox on both houses. He sees beyond the narrow framework within which the opposing factions tear at each other like rats in too small a cage. He sees what must be done while those who claim to be leaders see only the struggle for power.
When we find that the only answer rationality and the intellect can provide is death, then the only option is to open ourselves to spirituality. The precise job of the intellect is to define reality, and in defining, it limits what it defines. Reality is winnowed away until the spirit is lost, until possibilities unforeseen are lost. It is necessary from time to time for the individual to transcend the intellectual world he has fashioned, rediscover with the eyes of a child what he no longer sees with wise ones. A society too becomes trapped in its perceptions.