James RozoffThe Democrats’ Repeated Failure To Beat A Tomato CanIt’s impossible to be in panic mode for an extended length of time. The human body is not built for that. Panic is all very fine for a…2d ago32d ago3
James RozoffRandom Thoughts On The MediaSome random thoughts on the media that won’t be making it into my book Essays On The Media. Perhaps I shall release a companion piece of…4d ago24d ago2
James RozoffJoe Biden’s Two Errant ChildrenBuying your 14 year old son a rifle may not be the best idea, especially if your son has already been investigated for threatening to go on…Sep 63Sep 63
James RozoffThe Change Must Come, Either Through Planning Or Through ChaosI have a suspicion that the majority of people hate and fear the society we’ve created and feel the necessity for it to fundamentally…Sep 51Sep 51
James RozoffIt’s Hard To Be Threatened When The Alternative Is A Dead PlanetI know I should be more afraid of the military/money/media machine, but I’m not. Something deep within me says it is too ugly, too…Sep 33Sep 33
James RozoffRandom Thoughts That May OffendWhen I have things to say that will surely anger some people, I bundle them up with a bunch of other random thoughts and hope they don’t…Aug 291Aug 291
James RozoffLook Inside The BoxLook inside the box And there you will see All kinds of Marvels And DCs.Aug 28Aug 28
James RozoffA People Afraid Of Freedom Will Create An Authority To ObeyThe problem with seeing others as demons is you begin to view yourself as an angel, and that anything you do is justified in opposing…Aug 261Aug 261
James RozoffNeither Political Party Will Protect You From Predatory Credit Card CompaniesConsumer credit cards came into existence primarily for two reasons: to enable people to pay for necessities for which they otherwise could…Aug 241Aug 241
James RozoffMy Latest Article Got More Highlights Than Barack Obama’s (Again)I beat Barack Obama again. As some of you may know, every time he shares an article on Medium, I check to see how many people highlight a…Aug 23Aug 23